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Fierce Firearms

Fierce Firearms

Fierce Firearms

Fierce Firearms: A Year of Triumph and Gratitude

Fierce Firearms has experienced an extraordinary year, marked by unwavering support from our dedicated dealers and customers, known affectionately as Fierce Nation. Despite the challenges posed by a global pandemic, manufacturing shutdowns, supply shortages, and political pressures, your steadfast commitment has been nothing short of remarkable. We are deeply grateful for the stories and successes shared through social media, where the joy of hunting and shooting, paired with our firearms and your smiles, continues to inspire us.

In response to your support, we've expanded our production capabilities at our Redmond, Utah facility, promising enhanced delivery and customer service for our Rival, Reaper, and Sidewinder models. We're also thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of the Fierce Rage rifle in 2022, a model that integrates the finest features of our best-selling Edge with a new, innovative stock design. With continued updates and announcements to come via our social media and website, we're excited for the adventures 2022 holds. Thanks to Fierce Nation's support, Fierce Firearms is more motivated than ever to deliver the precision, quality, and innovation you expect. Our rifles, known for their precision machined actions, C3 Carbon Fiber Barrel technology, and proprietary stocks, are meticulously handcrafted to offer unmatched accuracy and performance. Here's to a future where we remain FIERCE together!

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