About Us
Bullet Central is located in Fargo, North Dakota and was launched in 2013 by Chris Harris.
We believe in our slogan, "Build. Shoot. Win.". In order to help our customers achieve their goals, we are always adding new products on BulletCentral.com. Each product we bring in is carefully selected with our customers in mind. We want to add as much value as possible when it comes to our products and become your go-to firearm supplier.
We believe in quality which is why we are distributors of top brands such as Bix’n Andy triggers, BAT actions, Berger Bullets and thousands of other quality products.
Customer service is our priority and we always answer phone calls and emails. If you have any questions about a product, or are looking for a product not available on the website, please contact us and we will do our absolute best to help you.
You can also check us out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram today!
Welcome to our site, we hope you find everything you need. Happy Shooting!

Chris Harris
Chris is the President of Bullet Central. As a competitive benchrest shooter and firearm enthusiast, Chris saw the need for a company that supplies the highest quality products, at the best prices and with the quickest availability. His favorite thing about working at Bullet Central is innovating and manufacturing new products that help to serve the shooting community as well as seeing the team develop and learn.

Charles Forbes
Charles is Bullet Central's Chief Financial Officer. His hobbies include golf, travel and spending time with family. His favorite thing about working at Bullet Central is inspiring the team to come together to help the business grow from strength to strength each day.

Rael Harris
Rael is Bullet Central's Creative Director and Lead Web Developer. His hobbies include camping, cycling and programming. His favorite thing about working at Bullet Central is that every day presents a unique set of challenges that always keep the job interesting.

Luke Albin
Luke is Bullet Central's Head Machinist and is one of our longest standing employees. His interests include long range shooting, snowboarding and fishing. Machining is truly Luke's passion and he loves that he gets to come to work every day, doing what he loves.

Jacob Werre
Jacob is a Sales Representative at Bullet Central. His hobbies include backpacking, snowboarding and shooting at the range. His favorite thing about working at Bullet Central is how he has the opportunity to learn something new about the shooting industry every day, as well as travelling and meeting new people.

Zach Boor
Zach is Bullet Central's Sales Director. His hobbies include chasing waterfowl with his labrador retriever, golf and spending time at the lake. Bullet Central is a company of constant growth. Zach sees endless possibilites for the future of the business and is excited to be a part of them each day.

Jace Bergeron
Jace is the Bullet Central Warehouse Manager. His favorite things to do include woodworking, cooking and camping. Jace enjoys the fun group of people he gets to work with each day.
We are the exclusive distributor for Bix’n Andy triggers outside Europe. We work closely with Bix’n Andy to plan and develop products for our international markets. Bix’n Andy make the finest triggers worldwide thanks to their patented ball system. They have established countless records in short and long range bench rest and most top tactical shooters elect to shoot Bix’n Andy for their outstanding reliability and crisp and predictable break. The product range today extends from the lightest target trigger to robust hunting and tactical shooting.